Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Costumes of Halloweens Past

The real reason I was determined to become a sewer is because I am obsessed with making my kids' Halloween costumes.  It consumes about 6 months of my time.  And I only wish I was kidding;)  First, it's making the decision about what they should be, then finding the patterns, and finally, the actual sewing part (which takes the  least amount of time :)!  It has become such a problem that I am trying to out-do myself every year.
I'd like to share with you all, our Costumes of Halloweens Past.

2008:  This was one of my first sewing projects ever.

2009:  Every pirate needs a parrot.  My second son was born on Oct. 7th and we didn't find out the sex ahead of time.  I knew I wouldn't have the time (or patience) to finish sewing after the baby arrived, so I chose a costume for the baby that would be unisex.

The parrot costume worked out perfectly.  Not only was it adorable, it was also so cozy.

2010:  The Zoo Keeper...

and his lion.

2011:  What better for 3 little boys than The Chipmunks.  Of course, there is no pattern for Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, so I just used a pants and hooded sweatshirt pattern.  I chose a hood from one of my other patterns that I thought most closely resembled a chipmunk....and there you have it.  This picture isn't of the completed costumes though.  My computer totally crashed and I lost a bunch of my photos from this year.  I added a hat to Alvin and some hair to Simon and Theodore to finish them off.  

 2012:  This year's winning costume....Three Blind Mice.  The boys won Best Overall at the costume contest at their school.  They also placed "Funniest"  in their grade level (pre-k)!  I didn't think much of these costumes until I brought them out in public.  Everyone thought they were just hysterical.  Definitely one for the record book.  Not sure how I will ever top it.  The walking sticks in the picture were just made from wooden dowels that I purchased at Walmart.  I spent a ton of time on the internet looking at photos of walking sticks because it was important to me that it looked accurate.  I painted the sticks with craft paint and added electrical tape for the handle and tip.  They were a hit...literally.  Boys and walking sticks (or any kind of stick for that matter) don't mix :)

For all of you who share my obsession in making their children's Halloween costumes,  my only advice:  Think outside the box.  Don't think you are limited to a costume pattern.  If you can dream it, you can make it.  For example....the parrot costume, I used a simple long sleeve onsie pattern for a baby.  Just by changing the fabric and adding some embellishments, I was able to make this one of a kind costume.

Happy Sewing!

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